Now I'm well aware that around these parts you can be hung, drawn and quartered for even having the audacity to write down a recipe for this wonderful pudding, But then again I'm not known for "towing the culinary line" my recipe is what it says, Sticky Toffee and Date Pudding" there are no secret adding's, no recipe handed down to me from Uncle Zibidiah Aloysius St Jon Fell the 17th Earl of Shackerstone, no meeting dark masked cloak and dagger suppliers with that out of this world ingredient,you or I have never heard of, just to make my pudding "special"
It's just a pudding! That'll make you feel totally content with your lot!
This awesome recipe I'm sharing with you will serve 4 people well
175g/6oz dates, chopped
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
50g/2oz salted butter
pinch salt
75g/2½oz demerara sugar
75g/2½oz molasses sugar
2 free-range eggs
175g/6oz self-raising flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
butter, for greasing
250ml/9fl oz double cream
80g/3oz butter
80g/3oz Dark treacle
300ml/10fl oz whipping cream
50g/2oz molasses sugar
50g/2oz salted butter
double cream or clotted cream
Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
Pour 275ml/10fl oz boiling water into a large mixing bowl and add the dates.
Stir and set aside until lukewarm.
Meanwhile, measure out all the other ingredients for the sponge. Add them to the dates and water and mix together until well combined.
Blend the date mixture in a food processor until nearly smooth
Butter a baking dish on all surfaces and pour in the sponge mixture.
Bake for around 40 minutes, or until just firm to the touch.
Now make both the topping and the extra sauce by heating the ingredients gently in separate pans, whisking regularly, until they briefly boil. Pour the topping over the cooked pudding.
Place the sticky toffee pudding under a moderate grill or into an extremely hot oven until bubbling.
To serve, spoon the pudding into individual bowls and pour around the extra sauce.
Now you can either serve with double cream or if you're like me, a good dollop of delicious clotted cream
There is no better pudding to make you feel warm, cozy and content