By now you'll have guessed from my recipes that I like to keep my seafood dishes nice and simple, letting the fish speak for itself, it's only as I've got older and wiser that I've thought this way, in my early years I thought I had to throw everything at a dish to make it the best! But now just a few simple ingredients, and, you have perfection
This dish that I'm going to share with you is as simple as a recipe can be, but fantastic in its simplicity
If I had my own restaurant, this is the type of thing I'd like to do, no faff, just great tasting seafood
2 skate wings
Splash of olive oil
50g of butter
A good handful of fresh parsley
1 lemon
Half a handful of capers
A splash of red wine vinegar
Heat a good splash of olive oil in a nonstick pan
Carefully place in the skate wings and fry gently until golden, carefully turn them over and cook the same
Place into a preheated oven 190c for 8-10 minutes until the wings are cooked
Remove the pan from the oven and place the wings on warm plates
Now add the butter to the pan
Add the splash of red wine vinegar and cook until the butter begins to go brown
Now add the capers, a couple of fine grates of lemon, a good squeeze of lemon, season to taste, finally finish with the chopped parsley
Pour the sauce over the skate wings and serve with some new potatoes and a green salad
I don't think that you can get much simpler or tastier than that?!!