Potted shrimp, I think this dish has been around forever! You'd see it on every pub menu up and down the land, then for some reason it disappeared for a while, and now I'm happy to say that it's making a comeback!! Done well the humble potted shrimp is a beautiful delicious thing
500g of cooked brown shrimp
A good squeeze of lemon
Good pinch of grated lemon zest
2 pinches of cayenne pepper
A pinch of ground mace
A good pinch of nutmeg
250g of butter
Melt 3/4 of the butter and add the cayenne pepper, nutmeg, mace and lemon zest
In a bowl mix the shrimp with a good squeeze of lemon and two pinches of salt
Now mix the shrimp with the melted butter, carefully spoon the shrimp into suitable dishes or ramekins
Place in the fridge to set
Melt the remaining butter and tip over the shrimp and leave to set
Serve with crusty bread or warm toast, great as a snack or starter
I've taken to warming them completely through and using as an accompaniment to my fish dishes