I love mackerel, a much underrated fish I think, I guess people still have this thing about bones,
And the thing I also love is the combination of oily mackerel and tart fruit, be it gooseberries, or as I'm going to show you here, Rhubarb,
There's something really satisfying about the sourness of the fruit that is just fantastic with the oiliness of the fresh mackerel, it may sound strange, but the flavour combination really works
This recipe will serve 4
Knob of butter
1 small shallot finely chopped
2 garlic cloves finely chopped
1 teaspoon of horseradish sauce
10 sticks of rhubarb
Good pinch of sugar
200g of creme fraiche
Bunch of chives finely chopped
8 large fillets of mackerel
In a pan melt the butter and add the shallots and garlic
Cook till soft
Now add the horseradish
Wash the rhubarb and thinly slice, add it to the pan with a good pinch of sugar
Cook for 10 minutes until the rhubarb is tender
Now taste, it should still be quite tart and not too sweet
Whip the Creme fraiche, tip in the chives and a little more horseradish
Season the mackerel fillets really well on both sides
Place on a baking tray and put under a pre heated grill for 5 minutes, the mackerel should be just cooked
Spoon some of the rhubarb onto each plate, place the mackerel fillets on top, and serve with some peppery rocket and the Creme fraiche
This is great as a light lunch or for supper, and in the summer, try cooking your mackerel on the BBQ