I've made a conscious effort to try whenever possible to make our dishes Gluten free, it really isn't as difficult as you'd imagine, this recipe is reasonably simple, with just a few ingredients, you can if you want add other things to it, mushrooms, peppers etc
This recipe is absolutely delicious and will satisfy even the most staunch meat eaters amongst us, and with the added bonus of being gluten free and vegetarian
This recipe will make 4 puddings
225g of sliced washed leeks
225g of gluten free self raising flour
A good pinch of salt
100g of vegetarian suet
200g of Good extra matured Cumbrian cheddar, grated
150ml of water
Ground black pepper
1. Blanch the leeks in boiling salted water for 1 minute, drain and allow to cool
2. In a bowl, sift the flour and salt, mix in the suet, a good pinch of pepper and 3/4 of the grated cheese
3. Add the cool leeks and enough cold water to form a soft dough, don't over work the dough
4. Lightly flour and butter one large, or four smaller pudding basins
5. Fill each basin half full with the mixture, place more grated cheese in the centre, and top with more mixture
6. Press down gently and cover your basins with pleated buttered foil, and secure
7. Steam for 1 3/4 hours, the pudding should be firm to the touch
8. You can serve these puddings as they are or with a unctuous cheese sauce with a touch of added English mustard