Now I'm going to get into trouble I dare say, because I firmly believe that Dover Sole is just one of those fish that should be cooked and served on the bone! I just think the Dover sole served whole is perfection on the plate, yes of course I'll trim it correctly, trimming the skirt away so all the customer has to do is pull the fillets apart and lift out the bone
There seems to be a trend these days amongst chefs to want to "chef up" beautiful fish into something that just doesn't need to be, I've always been of the thinking that
" why take a beautiful piece of fish and try and do so much to it?! Let the fish speak for itself"
They'll be many who disagree, it is only my opinion
I'm also of the opinion that a Dover sole around the 500g size is perfect for one person
Splash of rapeseed oil for frying
2 X 500g Dover sole, dark skin removed and skirt trimmed
50g of butter cut into dice
2 large lemons, 1 juiced and the other segmented
Small handful of capers
A good bunch of parsley finely chopped
You'll need two non stick cooking pans
Heat both pans and a splash of rapeseed oil in each
Season your Dover sole and carefully place each into the pans white skin down for 3 minutes
Leave until golden, DO NOT SHAKE THE PAN!!
Turn the Dover sole over and add equal amounts of butter to each pan
Cook for a further 3 minutes
Remove each Dover sole and keep warm on separate plates
Add all the juices to one pan
Add another knob of butter and cook until nut brown, now add the lemon juice, this will help stop the butter burning
Now add the capers, chopped parsley and the lemon segments
Season to taste
Pour the sauce over the Dover soles
Serve straight away with buttered new potatoes and curly kale or green beans